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The Best Gold market Historical Dataset for your Machine

About the Dataset

We are offering a vast historical dataset for the gold market, which includes daily price candles (OHLC), comprising open, high, low, and close prices. The dataset contains over 8,000 rows of daily candle prices, and to make it more comprehensive, we have merged additional datasets with the primary one. These sub-datasets include historical economic information related to and correlated with the gold market, such as interest rates, inflation rates, and other relevant details. We have engineered, prepared, and verified this dataset, So it can take your gold market analysis to the next level.

Why This Dataset?
8000 Records

Our dataset contains over 8000 valuable records that are based on daily information. If you're looking for reliable data to inform your business decisions in the gold market, our dataset is the perfect solution.

Over 20 Years of Data

With 20 years of data available from 2000 up to the end of 2023, this data is the perfect dataset for any data-driven project.  

172 Featuers

Our dataset is the perfect choice for those who want to take their analytics to the next level. With over 172 expertly crafted features, your data analysis will be more powerful and accurate than ever before. 

17 Technical Indicators

Our dataset is packed with the most important technical indicators for any data analysis. We understand that using the right set of indicators can make all the difference, which is why we've focused on using the 17 most important indicators in our feature engineering process. 

12 Economical inducators

We have incorporated 12 of the most crucial economic factors to ensure that your analysis is comprehensive and complete. 

15 Pricing Targets

Our dataset is meticulously labeled with 15 distinct targets, facilitating seamless integration into any machine-learning workflow.

How You Could Use It?

Unlock the power of machine learning with our great dataset and achieve amazing prediction results. In this video, you will learn how to use the dataset in three different machine learning models in order to achieve up to 99% accuracy in predicting the future price.

Dataset Features 
  • US dollar Index (OHLC DXY) 

  • Federal Funds Effective Rate

  • United States Interest Rate

  • United States Inflation Rate

  • United States Consumer Confidence Index

  • United State Unemployment Rate

Economica Indicators

technical indicators vector
  • Gold Pricing Daily( OHLC) 

  • NASDAQ Index Daily (OHLC)

  • S&P500 Index Daily (OHLC)

  • New York Stock Exchange  Index Daily (OHLC)

  • Light Crude Oil Futures Daily (OHLC)

  • Bitcoin Price Daily (OHLC)

  • Crypto Market cap Daily (OHLC)

Basic Featuers
economical indicators
  • RSI

  • MACD

  • Average Directional Index (ADX)

  • Commodity Channel Index (CCI)

  • Rate-of-Change (ROC)

  • Simple Moving Average (10, 20, 50, 100, 200)

  • Exponential Moving Average  (10, 20, 50, 100, 200)

Technical Inducators

gold basic data
Dataset Labels

Labels and targets are crucial components in any dataset intended for supervised machine learning models. To cater to your diverse needs as a data scientist or analyst, we have included three distinct types of targets, ensuring comprehensive and versatile options for your projects.

At NiceDatasets, we specialize in the art and science of data engineering and mining, crafting high-quality datasets designed to empower data analysts across various industries. Our meticulously curated data collections are tailored to enhance analytical outcomes, fueling insights that drive business success. With a focus on precision and reliability, our datasets are also ideal for training sophisticated machine learning and deep learning models, ensuring that innovation is grounded in the best available information. Whether you're decoding market trends, improving operational efficiency, or pioneering new AI technologies, NiceDatasets provides the key to unlocking the full potential of your data-driven endeavors.

Data Mining at NiceDatasets

Data mining

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gold price data

A numerical values representing the gold actual closing price  in the form of various time intervals ( next 1 day,3 days,7 days,30 days, and 60 days)

Future Price 

price percentage changes

Future Price Change Percentage  %

A numerical values representing the gold price changes in the form of percentages for  various time intervals ( next 1 day,3 days,7 days,30 days, and 60 days)

Future Price Direction Change ( UP - DOWN - SAME)

price percentage direction up and down

A categorical values representing the gold price direction in form of (numbers representing the direction UP =2, Down =1, and Same =0) in various time intervals ( next 1 day,3 days,7 days,30 days, and 60 days)

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